Ned Bartlett




Educator Portfolio - Student Work Samples


DelMarva. Video.

DelMarVa is an experimental, mixed media, animation. It is hand-drawn on a single sheet of Arches 250 gram printing paper. Heavy printing paper was used because every frame is an alteration of the previous frame, in contrast to the traditional animation, which uses a new drawing for every frame. This allows the viewer to see the vestiges of the image that just passed, encouraging the viewer to guess what may happen in the subsequent frames.

Delmarva directly relates to a series of etchings including, “The New Censorship” and “Novel Idea,” because it, like the etchings, was spurred by my social and political stance. Delmarva is about the need for people to rise above social/political agendas. It explores a need for fairness and equality between strangers and lovers alike, as “red” chases “purple” in an unfair game of cat and mouse. The video also explores the blind eye so often turned on big business and its hold on media and advertising. This blind eye, inequality, and injustice can lead to a house divided, where differing opinions pit brother against brother, often leading to tragedy.  


©Ned Bartlett